Monday, March 11, 2013

Never judge a book by it's cover...?

We're told we should never judge a book by it's cover, but think about it... when you're in a bookshop, unless you have gone into a bookshop with blinkers on, only looking at titles on shelves and searched alphabetically for your favourite author, to buy their latest book, the chances are you'll be drawn to a book by the cover... 

Covers matter - I'm not suggesting they're the only thing that matters, but, part of the joy of being in a bookshop is to take time to browse around, and that is when an interesting cover or title is going to catch your eye. Books sit silently on shelves, so there has to be something about the cover that calls to people as they walk by, that catches the eye and makes the shopper take the next step - to stop and pick the book off the shelf...

Once the cover and title have caught your attention, the next focus is the blurb on the back cover of the book. It has to be interesting and/entertaining enough to make the shopper want to read more, to give enough of a taster of what is to come inside the book to make the passing shopper make the decision to buy the book...


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