Sunday, April 07, 2013

Why selling online is the future...

So... I've done the circuits of craft fairs and done book signings, and got my books into bookshops - and sold most of my books this way, so why am I putting all my efforts into online sales?

  • I'm tired of seeing my books go down with a sinking ship when bookshops go bust.
  • A website can reach a wider audience than any craft fair.

My books are an ideal product to sell online because:

  • Books can be easily viewed online,and a decision made on appearance and blurb.
  • They are easy to post - they're not prone to breakage or leakage - you're not going to open the package and find the characters running around having a riot...
  • Books can go directly from my stocks to the customers, without all the middlemen complicating the process.
  • The customer can get their choice of books delivered postage free to their door.

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