Wednesday, December 11, 2013

How not to write a blurb...

So my task of the day is to write a blurb for my forthcoming book...

I made a start, I made some notes, then I remembered that there is a formula for writing blurbs - buzz words, and ways of making a blurb stand out, so I googled it...

I read some advice about how to go about it, the best one seemed to be to read the blurbs from similar books to get inspiration, which lead me to a well known on line book seller, and that's when inspiration turned to distraction - after reading some blurbs, I then progressed to the 'look inside' option, and I was soon totally absorbed in reading some first chapters, and now have a short list of 3 books that I simply have to read...  so what now - well maybe I should analyse what took me from market research to need to buy... or maybe I should just get my head down and write my blurb...


Kriti said...

You sound as if you suffer from the same disease as I do..... chronic procrastination.
Hope you got it done eventually.
I have a mountain of books on my bedside table that I MUST read before next year!

Anne said...

Yes I have now got some work done on my blurb thank you. I hope you find time to get through your reading pile soon.