Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Who knew paint had such attitude...?

Multi tasking seems to have a become a way of life...

January is my time to get stuck into to some writing, and try to hibernate as much as possible. But this year I still have some legless sheep left over from when I ran out of time before Christmas. Added to that I now have a legless bear (which has nothing to do with my writing, but I thought I'd mention it anyway...), due to running out of wool - I seem to be getting another theme going here... But hopefully all the knitted characters will eventually get their legs and I'll still have time to get on with some writing.

So... yesterday I finally brushed off my next book, and brought it out for an airing. I got my paints out, only to discover that paints don't like being shelved for weeks on end. One paint had taken it upon itself to creep out of its tube and run into the tube next to it., several others were reluctant to open at all, with paint sealing their lids on - who knew paint had such attitude...?

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